Here are the first roses off my bush this year. The ones in the vase are the ones I cut last weekend. The two damaged buds behind the flower opened only a little, but this one was really pretty. From this picture you can tell what a deep red they usually are, sometimes almost a reddish black. The other two pictures are ones that have bloomed on the bush this week, one just beginning to open and one fully bloomed. The picture of the fully bloomed one doesn't do it justice. The red is deeper than what came out on the photo.
I like flowers, but they have to be things that don't require a lot of care. Unlike my sisters, I have a brown thumb. Living plants don't do well in my care. I currently have pink Indian Hawthorn blooming at the front of my house and purple and white irises are blossoming also. Don't think this is all due to my landscaping ability. The hawthorn was here when I moved in. I did plant the roses and irises, but both are fairly difficult to kill.
Along with things blooming around my house, my neighbor's Japanese Holly is hanging over my fence in full bloom. The roadsides are carpeted with bluebonnets. This is really my favorite time of year, when everything comes back from the dead. I suppose that's why I like roses. Besides being beautiful, they bloom for so much of the year.
I'm waiting to see if my swallows nest here this year. They should be coming back into the area soon now. I'm so hoping that they nest over the front patio where I can watch the babies when they hatch. We'll see.
I still have a lot of birds hanging around. There are four or five blue jays that live in the area and have taken to coming to my bird bath for daily baths. I'm trying to make sure it stays full of water. The birds that use it totally disrespect my fat cat who lies on the patio a few feet away from them, tail twitching. They know she's nowhere near fast enough to catch them. The jays must be a family unit because there seem to be more of them every year, although I don't know if jays stay together. Last year I watched a jay trying to take a piece of twine that I had used to tie the roses up with the year before. When I cut the roses back I left the twine, and the jay really wanted it. I watched it for about 30 minutes. It would grab the twine and try to fly off with it, but since the twine was tied to the trellis it would be brought up short and drop it. After watching it struggle for 30 minutes or so, I went out and cut the twine into pieces. The jay came back after I'd been inside a while and took all the twine with it in several trips.
We had wildfires here this last week. Nothing close to my house but the wind carried the smoke like a thick yellow-grey fog over the whole area. Driving home it kept getting thicker and thicker in the direction I was going, which was a little worrisome. I'm glad I don't have asthma or breathing trouble, because it was pretty thick and strong. *laughing* Well, it seemed like it was to me. I suppose a firefighter would be scoffing at me.
It's gorgeous outside today, about 75 degrees, totally blue sky and sunshine. I like it just a little warmer, but this is almost perfect . . . and as much as that's true, I really wish it would rain. It's so dry here. I'm watering to try to persuade my grass to grow.
I was struggling to install a computer program on my laptop this morning. Usually I'm not too badly computer illiterate, but this program was making me a little crazy. Every time it came to a certain point in the install, I would get a dialogue box about the computer using programs it needed, so I kept trying to make sure nothing else was using the programs it was referring to and clicking on retry. Which it kept retrying, to the same point, with the same result. Finally after four times and a reboot, when the same dialogue box opened again I noticed that along with the "retry" and "cancel" buttons, there was an "ignore" button (which I had been ignoring!). I chose the "ignore" button, and it installed the program with no problems! Geez! What was the point of that? Just install the damn program. Why give me those options?
Which reminds me, yesterday at work I was wading through the computer-based training modules for the new hospital computer system. When you're inputting patient demographics it allows you to put in the status of the patient's relatives. Your choices for their status are: "alive", "dcst" (deceased), and "other". I kid you not! I laughed out loud. I'd love to know what 'other' status is possible besides alive or deceased. And computer programmers wonder why we all look at them as if they've sprouted horns. "Don't you think we should have an "other " option here?" Sure. It's possible that there are people out there who are neither alive nor dead. Sure. Let's have an "other " option. *laughing* I love computers, but I'd never be able to be a programmer. I'm not good at thinking of all the possible permutations. I tend to think of the obvious.
Well I guess that's it for now.