The little swallows are definitely nesting now. One of the pair is always on the nest, so I guess eggs
are laid. About the only time when they're not sitting on the nest is mid- to late afternoon when it's hot on the front porch. They'll be gone or be standing on the edge of the nest rather than sitting on the eggs. I haven't bothered to try to see the eggs. I'm even going in and out through the garage or back door, so I don't disturb the swallows too much. I'll get to see them plenty after the babies hatch.
My roses are blooming like crazy as you can see. Again I have big, full red roses and clusters of smaller roses, as if I have two separate rose bushes.
I only planted one the year after I moved in, but a couple of years ago it began to put out the two different types of roses. You can also see that my little yellow rose from last year may not make it. It's been struggling since it began putting on leaves before the multiple freezes.
Much of north Texas has been in bloom recently. The blue bonnets are past their prime blooming now, but everything has been really pretty. We've been getting rain fairly often, so things are nice and green and colorful. I was at my sister's place yesterday and she has flowers blooming everywhere, roses, iris, marigolds, snap dragons, and others that I don't know the names for. It's all really pretty. Unlike me, Lynne has a green thumb and does a fair amount of working in the garden. She's also got tomatoes planted and banana peppers. Yay! I'll be getting home grown tomatoes from her later in the year. Yum!!!
Yesterday my sister and I went with her son, her daughter and granddaughter to play at the Main Event. It was lots of fun. I don't see these folks too often, and we had a good time. We played arcade games and glow-in-the-dark miniature golf, and just generally visited a lot.
The hole in my jaw from the extracted tooth is healing well. No dry socket. Actually it's pretty well healed over but has left a nice little hole that traps food particles like a magnet traps iron filings. It's going to be a pain removing trapped food from that hole until it fills in. Not a painful pain, just a hassle pain. It's weird. Back a long time ago when I had all my wisdom teeth removed, there was nerve damage to the nerve to the left lower jaw, which left me with some permanent numbness to the lower lip and jaw on that side. This is the side where I've now had an implant and am having another one done currently. For about 4 days after the extraction, the numbness on that side was really bothering me. It's like the new Novocaine injections had aggravated the nerve or something. Besides the usual numbness that I've lived with for 30 years, there was increased tingling and numbness in the front lower teeth, lip and side of my tongue and stiffness in the corner of my mouth, like it was hard to smile. Luckily, it's gone away, and I'm back to the numbness I was used to from before. I was concerned for awhile that I was going to be drooling from that corner of my mouth. I'm glad it's back to 'normal'.
Not much else going on. I'm not traveling for awhile so I'm looking forward to spending some time kicking back and doing nothing. The next house project will probably be the roof, but I think I'll pay off the flooring first. I may have somebody come and trim the dead limbs from the back half of the peach tree. You can see from these pictures of Zoe hiding, that the front of the tree is doing well. We'll see how the peaches do this year.