I thought I'd give a baby swallow report. Those babies grow up so fast!!! Let's see. My last post and pictures were from the May 16th. The babies were probably just hatched, within a day or so. Today is the 30th and the little guys started flying on the 27th. So 10-12 days between hatching and flying. That's just incredible!
It turns out that there are four baby swallows in this brood rather than the three I first thought. The pictures in this post are a progression from the last post. The first one on the left above was taken on 5/21 and you can see they're already pretty well fledged five days after the first picture, although they still have some of the fuzzy, downy feathers sticking out in all directions. The next picture on the right was taken on 5/23, about four days before they started flying. At that point they were already looking pretty adult-like in color and size. And also for the most part doing a great job of hiding whenever I opened the door to try to take pictures. There really are four in that nest.
The last picture below was taken yesterday morning before the four of them left the nest for their daily excursions. They actually held still briefly for this shot. You can tell them from the adults when they're sitting still like this because they have yellow beaks. The adults have black beaks. In flight they're easy to tell apart because they still do a fair amount of clumsy fluttering, totally un-swallow-like. Plus their wing feathers and tail feathers are considerably shorter still. They don't yet have the noticeable scissor-tail the adults have.
They'll probably hang around and return to the nest every night now for a couple weeks, I guess until the baby swallows are more adept at flying and fending for themselves. Then they'll go on their way, and I'll be able to thoroughly clean my front porch. That's the only down-side to having them nest there . . . messy! But it's soooooo cool to get to watch them grow up. Totally worth the mess.
Anyway, just a short post today with a baby swallow report.