Sunday, June 6, 2010


It's really hot outside. The temperature did hit 101 yesterday, but I got my grass mowed while it was still in the low 90s. The paper this morning said it would be cooler today because of overcast skies. True to typical weatherman-form though, there's not a cloud in the sky. It's a gorgeous brilliant blue with the sun beating down and the temp sitting at about 95 currently. I'm thinking it will hit 100 again. It's a interesting thing that I consider it cool to mow the lawn in if it's less than about 95. I've mowed in 103, but it was miserable . . . to put it mildly.

As you can see from this picture (maybe), Zoe is in her favorite place, hiding under the peach tree waiting to rush unsuspecting birds. Mostly she just lays under there though. You can see the little peaches fairly clearly too. They seem to be doing okay this year. I took these three picture a little while ago. This first one is with Zoe pretty well hidden. Then farther down the post on the right, her peaking out at me when she heard me step outside. Lastly, at the bottom of the post, her proximity to the birdbath that she watches over so carefully.

The two pair of birds working on their respective nests out front are back this morning. Remember how I said it gets really HOT on that porch in the afternoon? Both bird pairs disappeared about mid-afternoon yesterday, but both were back about sun up this morning. The swallows are working really hard and making a fine mess of my front porch, although I don't see much structure to their efforts yet. Just lots of mud. The female finch seems to be adding padding to the old swallow nest. She brings things in and fusses with them in the nest and hunkers down in it and gets up and rearranges. Repeat. Repeat. She's not working as hard as the swallows, but she's definitely trying to get that nest to suit her.

I'm doing my usual Sunday chores today and loading music into i-tunes. My old desktop computer died, so I lost my i-tunes and have been restoring it slowly in my new computer. In the process I've realized that I need a bigger version of i-pod to hold it all, since currently my biggest i-pod is 16 gigs. I've restored 17.68 gigs so far and don't have all my music in yet. Luckily you can charge an i-pod without syncing it. I really like taking i-pods with me when I travel. They're invaluable for planes, airports and hotels, and of course when I drive long distances. I used to take boxes full of CDs when I drove to Utah or Colorado. A couple of i-pods beats that all to hell.

I really enjoy days like this, staying in, puttering around the house. Work has been . . .somewhat stressful lately, so I really appreciate the time away from work these days. Sadly, it's not the work itself, it's a few of the people at work who are stressing me. I keep reminding myself that I've ridden the waves of a LOT of changes at that place in the last 20 years. I can ride these waves too. But I do like my quiet, puttering weekends.

The next two weekends will be fairly busy, which is also probably why I'm enjoying this one. I don't expect to get any posts in for a couple of weeks either, so I decided to do another one today. Next weekend, I'll be visiting with my sister, and the weekend after is a party for a friend who both gradated for nursing school and turned 30. It'll be loads of fun, but won't make for a quiet weekend. At least I'm not traveling this month. July, August and September are the months I'll probably be traveling. August-September will be my usual three week vacation. I'll no doubt be seriously needing it by then.
I suppose that's all for the day. The swallows are still at it but I expect them to quit soon and go wherever they go to beat the heat. The thermometer in the shade on my back porch is reading 101. Beating the heat sounds like a great idea.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Two Interesting Things

I've learned two interesting things this morning. Two things related to my little bird friends around my house.

One thing I've learned is the reason the swallows built their nest on top of the twig nest from last year. Those boxes I put up are too slippery for them otherwise! Huh. Who knew?

My baby swallows are gone, although I see one or two around occasionally. So the parents have apparently decided to try raising another brood. I've been watching them this morning struggling to build a new nest on top of the left-hand box. And struggling is the correct word. The mud won't stick to it, and the swallows themselves slip when trying to stand on it. So before I mowed my lawn this morning, I wired a small piece of mesh up on top of the box, then went and mowed my lawn. I was a little afraid to do it for fear that me messing with the box would scare them away. Not so much. Instead they flew around scolding me for getting in their way.

Anyway, the two swallows are now incredibly busy flying back and forth with mud and twigs, so hopefully they'll successfully build on that mesh. I'm not too sure about them raising a second brood though. It's soooooo hot on the front porch in the afternoon. It faces west and the temps have been high 90s for the last couple of weeks. It's supposed to be over 100 for the next four days and probably won't be much cooler the rest of the summer. I've seen swallows do a late brood one other year. It only had one chick and the chick didn't survive. Maa, they successfully raised four chicks in the first brood, so if they want to try again I'll help with a little piece of mesh.

The other interesting thing I learned is that it may not have been a sparrow that built the twig nest last year. This morning a pair of house finches was checking out the now-empty swallow nest in the right-hand box. They flew in and out and checked it out several times this morning. I don't expect they'll nest there with the swallows nesting so close, but it was interesting to see them. I didn't realize the males are such a bright purple-red. This picture gives you an idea of the difference between the sexes. At first glance I thought it was a cardinal in the nest, until I realized how much smaller he was than a cardinal and his feathers are more purple-red than cardinal red. Still he was much more red than this picture, probably because it's that mating colors time of year.
After I mowed the lawn the cats went outside. Zoe is currently hiding under the tree and rushing any unsuspecting birds who try to use her birdbath. She's not quick enough to catch any, but she's enjoying herself completely. I imagine she'll wander in as it gets hotter. Addy's already back in, but her black coat makes it too hot for her much faster. There are blue jays and morning doves wanting to use the birdbath, so they'll be happy when Zoe gives up and comes inside.
Hmmmmmm. The female house finch is back making herself comfortable in the empty swallow nest. Guess I'll have to see how this plays out. O.O They don't seem to care! The swallows are still busily building on top of the left hand box, while the pair of finches sit in the nest in the right hand box. Maybe I'll have two new broods out there. I'll probably spend all weekend, randomly checking on the two pair out there. Fun!