Yup. I've been doing yard work. Labor Day I worked at it for five hours. Amazing, huh? Remember those yaupons at either end of my house in the front, the ones that were uprooted by the February snow? All of a sudden I got tired of always trying to trim them reaching up over my head to do it (yes, they're back to hitting the roof . . . or were). I got my hand saw and started sawing off branches. Now they're both about chest high on me. Of course, the vast majority of the growth was above that, so it now looks like I have nice bare sticks coming up out of the ground at both ends of the house. Maa. As fast as they grow, they should fill back in fairly quickly. Plus they'll be easy to trim now as long as I keep up with it and don't let them get tall again. It did take me five hours though, to cut all the limbs off and them cut them up into trash-able sizes. I was going to take m electric shears/trimmers/whatever they're called to the rest of my shrubs, but after 5 hours, I was over it. I figured I'd do them the next day.
Of course, it rained continuously the next two days. And then I went back to work. So I got back to the shrubs this morning. I went out, mowed the lawn, weed-whacked and then took the trimmer to the shrubbery. Dekita! I'm done trimming and cleaning it up now for the year, except for I notice the rosebush needs trimming up. I was back out there working for about 3 hours this morning, so I think I've done my quota of yard work for the week now. Everything's neat and tidy . . . and I'm tired!
It's in the low 90s today and overcast, so the work wasn't horrifically unpleasant. I'm just not usually a physical labor type, except for weekly lawn mowing, so it tires me out when I do more than usual. I feel it most in my hands though, and in my right wrist. It's swollen again, but not as bad as it was when I cut up shrubbery in February, so I guess it's slowly getting better.
I did call the plumbers back for the leaking faucet in the back yard and they fixed it. It feels like everything is neat and functional now. I still think the little peach may not survive, but I'm pulling for it. We'll see. I think the two days of heavy rain may have actually helped a little, but it's hard to tell at this point. The Bermuda in my back yard continues to spread and thrive and the St. Augustine continues to struggle and die. I really like how the yard looks right after I mow it though. You can't tell how much of the back is weeds! :D Plus Zoe can't eat the black seed heads on the weeds and come in and throw them up. Sadly, that's one of the primary reasons I keep my lawn mowed short.
Anyway, I'm gonna chill now. I know I still need to do a post about vacation, but it'll have to wait until I have more energy. Here's a picture of Addy chilling in my newly-mowed lawn.