*laughing* This is all stemming from the fact that I have six lectures due at the end of the month and
I'm not making as much progress as I would like to be making on them. Because I haven't been able to make decent progress on them at work, I've been working on them at home in the evenings and brought them home with me to work on this weekend. So what am I doing? Procrastinating and writing a blog post!
This morning I've been having internal arguments with myself. "I need to get to work on the lectures" vs "I need some downtime to myself since it's the weekend". And of course since I need to be working on lectures, I've come up with half a dozen projects that I should spend some time on ... THIS weekend. Like going and getting some potting material and pots, going through my collection of old computer games and seeing if any of them still work on my current computers and getting rid of ones that don't, re-arranging my bookshelves and moving books I'll never read again to a pile to give away, cleaning out my cabinet where I throw all my bills, etc. etc. All of these things can be done at other times, but my procrastination tendencies make them all very attractive prospects right now. I only know one person who's better at procrastination than I am, but only by a little. Amazing.
It's cold today. Gorgeously sunny but too cold. It's been below freezing every night since Wednesday night and that trend is supposed to continue for this next week. That means the aloe vera are once again garage residents and I'm leaving lights on in there since it's an extended time in the dark. The cats are curled up in their favorite places. For Addy that's on my lap, where she is right now, but when I'm not sitting down she's been in this spot in the picture above. Zoe is in the red chair, except when I had this cabinet in the picture below open earlier. She loves open cabinets with places she can occupy.
Anyway, as long as it stays dry and I can stay inside, the cold is okay. Last time I blogged it was fairly warm and gorgeous, and the day afterward it snowed! Pretty because it didn't accumulate much or stay long, but the next morning the bridges w
ere iced and the commute was horrific. My usual 30 minute commute took me 2 hours. One entire hour of those two I spent just sitting still on the highway waiting for them to clear a wreck and get traffic moving again. It was NOT pretty. Traffic is this area becomes like that every time we have snow or ice, simply because we have it so rarely. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad we have it so rarely and am not wishing to see it more often. I'll take horrific commutes a couple days a year and nice weather and commutes as the rule.
My shopping personality is voting for the shopping trip, even if it is just to get pots and potting soil. She figures (probably correctly) that if she gets me out into a store we'll come home with more than just pots. And she reminds me that we currently have no on-line orders pending. We haven't spent any noticeable money in a couple weeks. I was hoping she wouldn't be noticing that, but no such luck. My shopping genes are twitching. "Stimulate the economy!" she tells me. "Pay some bills down!" I reply. *laughing and shaking head* My internal arguments are too damn personality-differentiated.
*sigh* I suppose I've procrastinated enough today. Time to be a responsible adult . . . or at least I'll give it a shot. Later.