Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

I am in SUCH a good mood. I really like 3-day weekends, and especially since I've been traveling so much. This weekend I've been puttering around the house and yard, cleaning, mowing, trimming, just generally catching up on all the house/yard stuff that's been on hold for most of the month. Add to that, it's sunny outside, if a little windy and hot. Sun always improves my mood.

The temperature hit 100 yesterday afternoon by my thermometer. I was out mowing the lawn by 9:30 yesterday morning, so it wasn't too bad and the wind helped make it not quite so hot. We had three days of rain last week so the lawn was in dire need of a mowing. The picture here is a good indication of what my backyard currently looks like. I have a multi-colored lawn these days. The green-green grass on the right side of the picture is thriving St. Augustine, and you can see on the bottom center of the picture where it's sending out runners to fill in the bare areas. The blue-green grass to the left and wrapping around the St. Augustine on the top of the picture is Bermuda grass. And the yellow-green patches are weeds that the TruGreen people have sprayed and are slowly dying. Altogether that makes it fairly colorful out there, but I'm happy that the grass is filling in and the weeds are going away.

The little yellow rose that I planted 2 years ago is much happier this year. It's put out multiple blooms this spring and is also putting on some height this year, so it may survive after all. The red rose bush is thriving as always. Both bushes are between blooming sprees right now, as can be seen by this picture. The two little peach seedlings I rescued from the lawn and the little dogwoods are still hanging in there. With this heat already I'll need to remember to water everything regularly if we don't get rain. I really like growing things, or I should say 'attempting" to grow things since I'm just usually fairly bad at it.

Yesterday when I was mowing I was rescued by my neighbor two houses down and across the street. It was the first time we'd met, even though he and his wife have lived in their house 22 years and I've been in my house 10 years. Not very social are we? I've seen him come and go, and before yesterday morning what I knew about him is that he drives a corvette and keeps his lawn neat. He turns out to be a really nice guy named Eric. Anyway, what happened was that as I was mowing the front yard, a dog came by. He wasn't a big dog, about medium-sized, looked like a cross between a pit bull and a shepherd, but maybe pit bull size. He started following me as I mowed the lawn, and kept getting around behind me where I couldn't see him. Pretty soon I was afraid to turn my back to him because every time I turned to look at him he was rushing at me with teeth bared. I tried to yell and stomp at him to frighten him away and he would just snarl and growl and rush me again. So I stopped mowing and went to get a water hose to try and shoo him off, but he went on down the street when I quit mowing. I started mowing again and he came back and stood in the driveway watching me. I was afraid to turn my back on him so I was mowing a strip, backing up and mowing the next strip. About that time, Eric came over with a big stick in his hands and the dog went on down the street. I talked to Eric for a little bit about it and he said he'd keep an eye on me to make sure the dog didn't come back, as he'd had trouble with that dog before. He went back home, I started mowing, and the dog came back!! 10 minutes later, the police pulled up, Eric came over and the dog moved down the street a couple of houses. Eric had called the police since the dog was so aggressive. I talked to them for a bit, then went and mowed my back yard. When I finished and came back out I picked up my mail, saw Eric and talked to him again. He said there ended up being three police cars and two animal control vehicles. They didn't catch the dog, but they did locate his owner and ticketed him for the dog being loose, etc.

So I had kind of a freaky experience. I'm not normally afraid of dogs but this one was pretty aggressive. Maybe he doesn't like lawn mowers, but I don't know why was he rushing at me growling, teeth bared and tail between his legs. *shivers* I'll take cats any day. A deranged cat may do some damage but probably won't be able to kill you. You really can't say the same about a deranged dog. Well maybe you can say it about a deranged Pekingese or Pomeranian, but are those really dogs? Anyway, it's nice to have met my neighbor and to know that another one of my neighbors is a good person who will watch out for me. For the most part, I've found that to be true in this neighborhood.

I guess that's all for today. I threw in the prerequisite cat picture. As you can see, they're also chilling today. Lying in the open door (it's not yet hot) in case anything they need to know about should happen outside, but basically cat-napping. I'm going back to puttering around the house. Maybe I'll even break down and dust - my least favorite chore of all. We'll see. I'm not sure if I'm in quite that good of a mood, or maybe it's that I'm in too good of a mood for dusting.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Finches this year

This year the finches arrived and claimed the nesting box out front before the swallows returned to the area. I got to watch baby finches grow up instead of swallows. I will say that it wasn't as easy to watch them as it is to watch the swallows. Swallows are bold and the adults will dive bomb you if they don't like your proximity to their nest. The young will hide, but not to any great extent. The finches on the other hand are scaredy-cats. The female will fly away at any tiny sound and the babies hunker down into the nest and become invisible at the slightest provocation. None-the-less, it was fun to watch them.

I almost didn't have any babies birds at all this year. One afternoon right before my traveling started I came home and when I was walking back from the mailbox I glimpsed something brown hanging from the nesting box that isn't being used. I walked over to see what it was . . . and this bad boy in the picture was about a foot away from a tasty meal of finch eggs. This is a small rat snake, maybe about 2 1/2 feet long. What I had glimpsed was the part of him looped below the box. I'm not sure which of us was more startled when I stepped onto the porch and turned to see him there. At any rate, I spoiled his meal by making him go away. No, I didn't kill him, just convinced him to leave with a long stick and persistence. Then I quickly got a step stool, climbed up and took pictures of what was in the nest so I would know what I had just rescued. Then I quickly left the nest to Momma Finch. Surprisingly, she came back immediately after I left. This next picture down is the finch eggs that were in the nest. It still amazes me how close they came to being snake food.

I managed to get one sort-of picture of the young finches. They were very adept at hiding, not at all cooperative like the young swallows. Although I did see them fairly frequently, all I managed to catch in a picture was a little beak, top of the head and a beady black eye. You probably can't see that in the small picture below, but this was all I could do. They were VERY skittish. They've all flown now, which also amazes me. The young birds grow up so fast. It's been just over three weeks between when I took the egg picture and when they flew away.

My poor peach tree is dead. The growth that was on it two blog posts ago, broke off in the high wind a few days after that picture, and there's no other growth. *sigh* Too bad. I suppose it's time to buy a tree to put back there. I'll have to do a little tree research I guess. A couple of the small dogwoods are still managing to survive. They look terrible, but they're hanging on.

This morning I went out and trimmed up the shrubbery out front. It was looking a little raggedy. We're finally getting some periodic rain, so my lawn's beginning to look like a lawn. One of the most amazing things is how strongly the St. Augustine grass is coming back in the back yard. Granted the yard is still about half weeds, but at the end of last year I had two sickly-looking patches of St. Augustine left, in opposite corners of the back yard. The patch down by the fence has spread out and up to the peach tree and continues to put out runners across the bare areas. The patch up by the house is also spreading. And both patches are dark green and thriving. Sugoi. The Bermuda grass in the front yard is still struggling, but beginning to fill in. Apparently early rainfall is really important to Bermuda, less so for St. Augustine.

The cats are being furry leeches. They really hate me being gone for extended periods, and become really clingy when I get back. If I sit still for a minute, they're right there to get attention. Like right now. Zoe is making my leg look like I've been running through briers, trying to get me to stop typing and start petting her. Zoe is not the brightest cat in the world, and despite years of trying, she doesn't get the concept of sheathing claws. When I'm wearing jeans it's no biggy, but with shorts on she's guaranteed to get my attention. *laughing* Yes, yes. Time to call this a short blog and go pet the cat.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Here it is as promised . . . my next blog coming in mid-May. Well, okay, mid-to-late-May. So many things have happened that it's hard to know where to begin. I think I'll devote this blog to the traveling.

My travels have been good, but I'm really glad to be home for a while. I started on April 30th with a 7:30 am flight to San Diego. Or so I thought. Being obsessive-compulsive, I called the airline before leaving the house and they had canceled that flight because of "lack of a flight crew to fly it". So they had re-booked me on a 9:00 PM flight. No, no, no. I worked with them to get a 5:30 pm flight which wasn't what I had wanted, but better than a late flight. I went to San Diego for a 5 day review course and had originally wanted to arrive early enough to do a little sight-seeing, which obviously didn't work out. San Diego is a gorgeous place and the weather was just lovely. But of course I spent 8:00 am until 8:30 pm in the review course while I was there, so that aspect of it was a little wasted. *rueful sigh* Still it was a great course. I had a blast giving the lectures I did, especially the evening case studies. The participants were exactly that. Very interactive and questioning, which is a teacher's dream class. As an added bonus, I met some really great people along the way. And I did get to spend lunch hours soaking in the sun and ambiance. Plus I had this really outstanding view of San Diego Bay from the balcony of my 7th floor room in the hotel. The picture above is right about sunrise. Overall, it was a very fun and productive trip.

Then May 5th around noon I left San Diego and flew to Charleston, SC, arriving about 11:15 pm, which put me at the hotel around midnight. I was surprised to find that they didn't have a room for me . . . which probably translates into, they gave my room away, even though I had notified them that I would be arriving late. They ended up putting me into a suite and moving me the next day when a room came open. I didn't really care. I was so tired I would have slept on a couch. But the next morning I had no hot water in their fancy suite, which I kind of DID care about. So that particular downtown Charleston hotel is not high on my list of favorite places. The meeting was good though. It was my second Board of Directors meeting and the meeting and the post-meeting socializing were both very good.

Then I flew home on May 8th and on May 11th I flew to Berlin, Germany. Hmmmm. Well the flight was scheduled to fly on May 11th at 9:00 pm, but since we were delayed 3 hours by storms, I think we technically actually left the ground on May 12th. Very luckily for me, I had a four hour layover in London Heathrow, so I made my connection, unlike a lot of people on that flight. I arrived in Berlin around 7:00 pm on the 12th, met a friend for dinner and then slept for 12 straight hours, getting up in time for the Opening Ceremony of the Congress I was attending. The Congress was great. Great speakers and talks, and again I met some really cool people as well as hooking up with some colleagues I don't get to see very often. The Congress Dinner on Saturday was a boat tour through Berlin on the Spree River. The boat tour was a blast although it would have been better for sight-seeing if it hadn't been raining pretty solidly. You can see from the picture above of the Oberpfarr that taking pictures wasn't very productive. Still, the boat was enclosed, so the trip and the company were lots of fun, and the food and drinks were superb.

Monday May 17th I flew back, arriving about 8:00 pm and I've been trying to catch up ever since. Basically, the trips were good, the meetings were good, the people were great, but I'm really glad to be home now for a while. The only real regret I have is that I really had no time at all to do any shopping . . . at any of the places where I went. *sigh* Maybe in the future my travels won't be so clustered within a two week period and I'll be able to spend a little extra time sight-seeing and shopping.