Man. Little did I
realize when I posted last week, how right I was about viruses having it in for
me. I’m STILL trying to get rid of this
one. Eleven days and counting. My voice was completely gone from Saturday
through Wednesday. Then Wednesday afternoon
I started running a temperature above 100 and the virus moved from my throat and chest into my head and took up residence in my ears and nose and sinuses. I gave up and called in sick Thursday and made a doctor's appointment. She prescribed antibiotics and Mucinex to get me to cough the stuff out of my lungs. Unfortunately, I gave them the number for the closest pharmacy to my new house, and when I got there, their computer and fax were down and they weren't getting any prescriptions in. I was too sick to care and just went home.
Friday morning I felt marginally better and went and got the meds and started talking them. This morning I feel like hell again, but then I coughed so much last night I ended up sleeping in the recliner, partially upright. I hope these drugs work because I'm really tired of being sick, tired of trying to cough up a lung, and tired of being tired. Can you tell I don't do ill very well.
I am a little concerned about the fact that I've had two colds in such a short period of time and that it's been eleven days and I still haven't cleared this current cold. I usually don't have this much trouble. Plus I have a three day weekend this weekend, and instead of doing a multitude of chores or anything fun, I'm home being miserable. I really hate that.

Yesterday I had a pair of brown-headed cowbirds on the feeder. The male is really distinctive, glossy black all over but with a brown head, like he's wearing a hood. The female is just a pale even brown. That may be the female I've been seeing out there and trying to determine what she was. I try to take pictures of them through the back door, which isn't very successful. In this picture you can kind of see the red male house finch with this head turned to the left on the left side of the feeder. A male house sparrow has his back to us. The picture I attempted of the brown-headed cowbird didn't turn out at all. I may have to think about getting a motion activated wildlife camera and mounting it back there if so many interesting birds are going to be stopping by.

Anyway, that's it for today. I'm going to go be puny and maybe play with my new camera. Later.