Saturday, October 31, 2015

Zoe - one year later

It’s been exactly one year now since I had to have Zoe put to sleep.  One year that my sweet, lovable, big round calico cat has been gone.  Sometimes I still imagine her waddling across the room for her share of strokes, or treats or play time.  And though I don’t burst into tears anymore at the thought of her, I do still miss her soft, soft fur and her demands for attention. The good news is that I remember the good times more and more.  I still wish I could have spared her that last week of fear and pain, but that’s not the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of her any more.  More often than not, I remember the fun things now.

So perhaps it's now time for that "good time" post on my girl, Zoe.

First of all, she was a scrawny, flea-infested scrap of calico when I got her, since her mother was an outside cat.  She very quickly adapted to the apartment and quickly latched onto Addy for companionship.  Addy of course, hated her, and slapped her down whenever she got too close.  But Zoe refused to give up, wouldn’t accept “no” for an answer, kept coming back, and eventually the two became best friends.
Zoe was always needy.  She needed to be around others, be they human or cat, and when I was around, she wanted attention.  When she was little she’d climb up to my shoulder and suck on the ends of my hair behind my ear.  She very quickly became too big to do that, but always wanted my lap when I was sitting.  Both girls did, and both became very territorial when it came to me.  Zoe was only smaller than Addy for a short time and pretty much as soon as she became bigger, she’d use her weight to push her way in.  Addy would try to rebuff her, but Zoe was adept at ignoring that .  Almost always, Addy would leave pissed off, and Zoe would claim the lap. 

Zoe loved boxes her entire life.  I spent a lot of time with empty packing boxes in my apartment or house, because I couldn’t bring myself to throw them away when she enjoyed them so much.  She loved hiding in places she could see out of, especially boxes, including coca-cola 12-pack boxes when she was little.  She would even use plastic trash bags as hiding places if I left them lying around.  Later when I moved into my first house, she was absolutely in heaven when I let the peach tree overgrow and the branches hung down to the ground.  She would spend the whole day laying out in the yard, hidden among the peach tree branches.

She never climbed the tree though.   Zoe didn’t like heights and would panic as soon as her feet left the ground when you picked her up.  She never leaped up on counters, tables or furniture, nor leaped across open spaces.  Even getting up on chairs and couches, she climbed using her claws instead of just hopping up.  I often wondered if she had some sort of inner ear imbalance that made her uncomfortable without her feet on the ground. 

One of Zoe’s favorite things was stalking birds.  She never caught one, being too slow and clumsy, but she never tired of trying.  She would stalk them back and forth across the yard all day long, perfectly content being outside and chasing her birds.  She also loved to chase grasshoppers, and many times brought a large grasshopper she had caught into the house to play with.   She inevitably would release it near me so that it would leap at me when she let it go.  And then she’d chase it down all around the house.  Grasshoppers were about the limit of what she could catch, except once she brought in a large praying mantis.  Addy caught and brought in small lizards and snakes, and once a hummingbird moth, which I then had to catch to take back outside.   

Zoe really liked the outdoors, especially if there were places for her to hide out there.  She was a big fraidy cat, running for the house at pretty much anything that startled her.  Often she really just wanted to be able to lie in the open doorway.  She was inside the house, but on the edge of outside in case anything moved out there that she needed to chase.   Lying in an open doorway was one of her favorite places her whole life.   
 Zoe liked to play in water, or at any rate to drop her toys in water.  She’d mostly use her water dish for this, but when she was younger she would drop her toys in the toilet.   I quickly learned to look BEFORE sitting down.  Like all cats, she especially liked to drink fresh water and would sit and stare at me until I put fresh water down if I let it get too old.  Then when she was drinking it, particularly from her favorite blue bowl, just the very tip of her tail would slowly wave back and forth.  She especially took to the cat fountains when I began using them.

Zoe liked to curl up in small spaces in which she just barely fit.  I think she felt safe in enclosed spaces.  She was also very set in her ways and changes to her routine might take her weeks to get used to.  When I moved into my first house and then 11 years later into my second house, she spent the first 2-3 weeks each time under the bed in the master bedroom, slowly venturing out in little short time periods to begin to learn her new environment.   She was very definitely a scaredy cat, and a one woman cat, freaking out if anyone but me was in the house.  She would completely disappear if the doorbell rang, until whoever it was was completely gone.  And if she was in my lap when the doorbell rang, She would leap to run for a hiding place, often leaving me with deep gouges.   If people were in her house, she was nowhere to be found.  I began having a pet sitter watch the girls in their old age, and it took her probably 2 years to get Zoe to come out from under the bed when she was at the house. 

Zoe liked toys that bounced.  She turned her nose up completely at soft toys, but delighted in things that bounced and rolled.  A particular favorite of hers was pencil pillows, the foamy things you put on a pen or pencil to cushion your grip.  She loved them because they would get hung on her claw and when she flipped her paw they would go flying for her to chase.  She really liked it if they landed on a bookshelf, giving her an excuse to clear the shelf of books trying to retrieve her toy.  I finally had to stop giving them to her to play with when I realized she would eat them after playing long enough.  Christmas balls were another favorite, so I had to have extra every year.

Zoe was not very bright and fairly clumsy.  No usual cat grace for this cat.   She rarely just laid down, more like flopped over on her side when she was ready to lay down, and she loved laying on her back with her feet in the air.   She never did grasp the idea the claws were not to be used always.   And she loved to pull things down and lay on them, towels if she could reach them, clothes in the clothes basket, things I left laying in chairs.  I used to leave small fleeces on chairs specifically for her to pull down and lay on.   
Mostly what I remember about Zoe is that she was sweet and good-natured almost always.  Her fur was really soft, and she loved getting stokes and brushings.  She would lie still for as long as you were willing to brush her and pet her and then always wanted more when you stopped.   I miss her a lot still, but I now remember the good times more often than the final times.  You're loved and missed, Zoe, my big girl.