Time's not flying by quite as fast as it did last year, but it's still moving past at a pretty good clip. It's March already! Addy's still doing well, eating and drinking plenty and demanding attention whenever I'm in the house. And getting it too, I might add. She definitely rules the house. And occasionally she even goes outside and wanders around a bit, checking out the patio.
Two of my three peach trees are blooming. The biggest tree - the one I got the great peaches from last year - isn't showing any signs of blooming yet though. It's also the one that was cut back the farthest, so I hope cutting it back that far didn't damage it. The little tree by the back fence is fully in bloom and the middle tree will be soon.
I got my sprinkler system working on Saturday - pretty much just in time for rain this weekend. It was my lawn guys who motivated me to get the system running, although I had been thinking I needed to do it soon. They treated my lawn on Thursday and left a note for me to water within 48 hours. So I checked it out and started up the system.
My big African violet at work died finally. Between the abuse and then me over-watering it, it just gave up the ghost. Luckily I still have 7 leaves from it in little pots. One leaf is already growing a new plant as you can see form this picture. I suspect most of the other leaves will grow plants too since they're all looking healthy. I should have a replacement plant and at least one for Monica. The rest I may have to give away on street corners if they all live.
Plants I put outside for wintering over are also showing signs of life. Toward the end of last year, the little crepe myrtle that I'm going to try to bonsai dropped it's leaves and looked like a tiny dead stick stuck in a pot. I put it outside, hoping for the best, and last week I discovered that new leaves are coming out of the top of the little stick. I brought it inside for some attention while it gets going again. Now if I can just not kill it with my attention.
Another thing that's growing in my kitchen / greenhouse is a grapefruit tree! Mom and Dad always give me 12 grapefruit as a delicious Christmas present. One weekend in January when I was planting things, I threw one of the seeds from the grapefruit I was eating into a pot, and I'll be damned if the thing didn't sprout. I'm not sure what I'll do with a grapefruit tree, maybe see if I can turn it into a bonsai. It's amazing that I'm trying so hard to start red maple seeds and sakura seeds, with no luck, and this silly grapefruit seed is just growing.
Last month I went to a board of directors meeting in St. Thomas. Beautiful place! This view is from my room. Despite working most of the time we were there, we did get a few hours beach time on Saturday afternoon. I spent mine on the beach, either in a lounge chair or in the water with a rum-based drink in hand. These iguanas live on the resort premises and have no concerns about passing humans.
Coming back I had a tight connection in Miami, less than 30 minutes between flights, and somehow I managed to actually make it. They were nearly finished boarding by the time I puffed up to the gate, but I made it. Probably it wouldn't have been a disaster if I had missed it because flights between Miami and Dallas are pretty frequent, but I was glad to make it.
I thought about putting out at least one of my hummingbird feeders this weekend, but decided to wait another week. I usually put it out in mid-March. A couple of years I had hummers at it as soon as I hung it, but last year the hummers didn't show up until early April. It's been such a warm winter though. I'm going to hang it next weekend.
I think that's all the news for now.