Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Monday Tuesday

I have managed to figure out that it's Tuesday, although with my day off it's felt like Monday all day. I can't spell Tuesday. Somewhere along the way I lost the ability to spell it. Just one day I couldn't spell it, so now every time I type it, I have to go back and correct the spelling. I know it's wrong when I see it, but I can't remember which way it goes until after I've typed it. Teusday. Nope, looks wrong. Tuesday. Yeah. But I type it wrong every time I use it and have to correct it. Weird.

Anyway, it hasn't been a bad day for a Mondat Tuesaday LOL Okay I'm just leaving that "Mondat Tuesaday". Geez!

I did clean out closets yesterday so the day wasn't totally spent on frivolous pursuits.

Today I got a new, non-citibank credit card in the mail (don't even get me started on the IDIOTS at citibank), so I'm set to spend money again. Plus I got a package of eyedrops that I was giving up hope of getting for one of my cats. It had been so long I just figured the order was lost or they weren't going to send it. My cats! I don't have pictures of the chunky children up yet. The stuck-up solid black child is Addy and the pumpkin masquerading as a cat is Zoe. Yes, I know I'm a horrible parent for letting her get this fat, but when I'm gone on trips for 2 - 4 days, dry food stays down all the time and she just eats!

They're 13 and 11 years old, respectively, so they're middle aged cats and not very active. Lately they don't even go into the yard much due to a black demon cat who has claimed my back yard as part of his territory. He terrorizes the girls.

Where was I before I got side-tracked on the cats ..... oh, yeah, ready to spend money again. Not like I ever actually stopped, just more slowed down while screwing around with citibank.

Besides the credit card and eyedrops I also got new music in the mail today, so I have to count the day as a good one despite having multiple meetings. And in the background of everything of course was Obama's inauguration. Not only history being made, but for the first time in quite a while, I have a sense of hope for this country. Despite the economy, I really am looking ahead with the belief that things can change. Given an even chance, I think Obama will be a GREAT President. He certainly has an immense load on his shoulders .... not just the obvious. Above and beyond the economic crisis and the ongoing middle east wars, he carries with him the hope of a nation, and the belief that we can change our lives with our own hands. What a tremendous weight of responsibility he's carrying! And he's making it look nearly effortless so far. Of course he'll make mistakes. He's as human as the rest of us. I hope we, all Americans, give him the chance to be the kind of President I believe he can be. One we can be proud of and be inspired by.

Wow, that got deep. It's kind of how I feel about Obama, though. I sincerely wish him and his family the best.


  1. *nods in agreement* I wish I could have watched the inaguration live... I was learning about stratified squamous epithelium at the time..^_^'

    Hi Zoe! Hi Addy! Spoiled little (er..) neko-tachi that they are!

  2. What!??!! Spoiled neko-tachi!? My cat kids? Impossible! How could that have happened?
