Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Nothing, really
I mowed my lawn for the first time this year on Tuesday (Hah! spelled it right!) evening. I only mowed the front because as can be seen from the pictures, the back is just starting to come up. So I mowed and edged/weed-whacked. It seems that weeds always come up, water or no. Around here, if I don't keep up with the edging it becomes a massive chore. It's better to just do it as part of the mowing process.
Interestingly, I also had a nice conversation with my neighbor. We haven't exactly been on speaking terms for more than a year, since his pit bulls ate through my wooden privacy fence and came into my backyard while my cats were out there. No one ended up being hurt, but jumping between a pit bull and an enraged/scared cat is not conducive to calm nerves. I wasn't very rational when I spoke to them, and I got them in trouble with the Animal Control people. Anyway Tuesday (again!) evening, he was also out doing yard work, so we chatted and it looks like we're going to let bygones be bygones. I'm glad. It's always better not to be on bad terms with your neighbors. He even offered to cut down some small trees that are growing too close to the house and will hurt my foundation. I told him I'd pay him if he does. The trunks on a couple of those little trees are 4-6 inches in diameter. Short work for his chain saw, but hours of work for my hand saw.
It's been mild and on-and-off cloudy all day. Windy too. I wish it would rain (so I don't have to water). I sat out back and brushed the cats again. It's best to do it on windy days because the wind carries all the fur away, rather than it sticking to me. Then I came in and showered anyway because even though most of the fur was carried off by the wind, I still felt furry.
I'll be glad when the trees all leaf out. My little house is almost surrounded by two-story houses and when there are no leaves on the trees, windows of all those houses look down into mine. My wooden fence is only 6 feet tall, but even if it were 10 feet, those second story windows would be a problem. For most of the year (march - oct/nov), the leaves block the view and I have great privacy. During those few "winter" months, I have to keep blinds drawn. I'm ready for Spring. *laughing* I may have indicated that before.
I guess for once when I don't have anything to say, I'll keep this short.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Cleaning II
Cats are the perfect pet for me. My cats and I always seem to be on the same wave-length as far as giving and receiving attention. Not too needy, but needy enough. Plus, they're self-sufficient enough that they can fend for themsleves during my 3- and 4-day trips. If I'm gone longer than that I can have someone come over and just make sure they have food down. They don't have to go outside a couple times a day. Of course, the trade-off is cat boxes. Not my favorite thing, but worth having the kids around definitely.
Time to get started.
Wow! This day has gotten away from me way too fast. It's lunch time! Which will have to wait a few minutes until the kitchen floor dries. Yes, I got the tile floors mopped and more dusting done. Damn. I need to quit collecting stuff. It makes dusting a massive chore. *laughing* And I've been talking about getting a bigger house to contain all my stuff. Maa. If I get a bigger house, I'm hiring someone to clean it! Period! I'm going to check the floor and see what I can find for lunch.
Okay, that's as good as it gets. I'm tired of cleaning. You know, us old folks aren't as spry as we used to be. My knees ache from all the bending and kneeling. I'm definitely not up to anything that vaguely resembles physical labor. And I need to take this as a warning to get back on my Nordic Trak. If I go hiking in UT or CO this summer, it's not going to be pretty unless I start working out now .... or better yet a month ago, but that's not going to happen. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of going back in time.
I'm working on the whole time/space warp thing. I need to not only be able to be in two places at once, I need to be able to get to distant places quickly. So I need the time/space warp thing. Actually, more than being in two places at one time, I just need to be able to manipulate time. Make it run more slowly when I need more of it, and run more quickly when I want it to go by faster. Maybe a time/space bubble that I can remove from the flow of time whenever and wherever I want to. *nods* A personal time/space bubble would be best. I don't think I could be trusted with the ability to control overall time. At least if I were just manipulating my own personal time, maybe it wouldn't effect too much of the rest of the universe. Huh! 'manipulating my own personal time' ka? In many ways I do that anyway, but I'd just like to have a little more control over it.
The sun came out. If the ground wasn't so soggy I'd mow my lawn. Right now when you step into the lawn, you sink in. The ground is really saturated. So I won't do it today. I'll do it one evening this week. I'm not going to wait too long though. That rain really started it sprouting. In the Spring and early Summer when it's in major growth mode I often have to mow it more than once a week. And I usually have to mow it from March through November. Still, I'll live here away from the cold and snow and mow my lawn nine months out of the year. That to me is a totally fair trade-off.
Time to go play.
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Yatta! Bathrooms are done except for floors. I may not get to them until tomorrow, but I'll work for a while yet today on various other parts of the house .... after I take a little break.
Monday, March 9, 2009
the nature of time
Time is a weird thing, isn't it. Like ... it's a measurable quantity that doesn't change, right? So how can it be so subjective? A year go by so fast and a couple of hours take forever. 30 seconds is completely different if you're waiting for a computer program to load, or waiting for a bomb to count down. Yet it's just 30 seconds. I heard somewhere that time is supposed to be the fourth dimension. A line is the first dimension, say the X-axis. A flat surface is the second dimension, say a wall or the floor, defined by the X- and Y-axes. A box, or space, is the third dimension, defined by the X-, Y- and Z-axes. But I can't get a grasp on the fourth dimension. How do you go beyond three-dimensional space? My mind can't grasp that concept.
Lately time has been moving a little too fast for my comfort. I have too much I need to do in too short a space of time and I find my subconscious worrying about it. So I wake up between 1:00 and 3:00 am wrestling with work problems. This morning it was something to do with how to report Vitamin D if we measure D3 and D2, 25-Oh and 1,25-diOH. Just stuff that's not even been part of my conscious thoughts. So I suppose the way my subconscious deals with work stress is to worry at obscure problems.
Oops, no more time to do this.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Yes, I'm a migraine sufferer, and anyone who has them will tell you that the 'sufferer' part is an understatement. I had one yesterday, so I have a minor migraine hang-over today. Not too bad, though.
I'll describe the process. It starts with a disturbance of the visual field, in one or both eyes. The 'disturbance' for me starts out as a bright sparkling dot that makes it hard to see. It can occur anywhere in the visual field, but it makes me unable to focus on whatever I'm working on. I can still kind of see things as long as I don't look directly at them ... kind of like looking at things from the side of my eye. The bright sparkly dot begins to grow and encompass more of the visual field. My Dad calls it a bright, jagged-edged arc. (He gets the visual effects but not the pain ... lucky dog. The so-called 'silent migraine'). Anyway the sparkly spot does become an expanding arc of jagged crystalline sparkles, that for me pretty much always crosses my visual field from left to right and eventually disappears off the right side. The time this takes is probably about 15-20 minutes. I've never actually timed it because I'm always trying to accomplish something else during those minutes ..... like get home to a dark room. I know that I'm going to have that visual effect span of time to remain functional.
The pain doesn't start until after the visual effects are gone. By the end of the visual effects and the start of the pain, my brain starts short-circuiting. I can't hang onto thoughts, can't follow a logical progression of thoughts. They pass through too fast for me to catch them and understand. I just get fleeting glimpses of complete thought processes, things I might be thinking or need to be thinking about, what I intend to do, what something means and what I should do about it. I simply cannot connect any dots. So even shortly before the pain starts I'm often confused and struggling to understand.
Once the pain starts it overwhelms everything else. All I can do is curl into a ball somewhere dark and wait for it to end. My eyes are photo-sensitive and my entire head is touch-sensitive. The pain usually starts at my temple. If the visual aura is one sided, the pain will be on the opposite side on my head from the effected eye. It spreads quickly from the temple backward to the back of my head, to the top of my head, down toward the neck. I can't think, I can't pray even if I would. I just lay huddled under blankets and endure.
Over the counter pain-killers don't have any effect at all on this pain. Once I took half a bottle of acetaminophen, before I knew acetaminophen was liver-toxic. Neither that nor an equal dose of aspirin at another time even touched the pain.
I'm lucky. I have migraines rarely, and they've become more rare as I've gotten older. I had them frequently when I was in high school. My very first one was one of the worst. With that one I had the classic symptoms, including arm and leg weakness on one side of my body, slurred speech, tingling in my face and hand. I thought I was having a stroke, and apparently migraines and TIA (transient ischemic accident) (or a minor stoke if you want to call it that), are frequently misdiagnosed for each other.
My doctor has prescribed drugs for me to take when I get the visual aura, the intent being to stop the pain from occuring if possible. Unfortunately they've never worked for me. They don't stop the pain. They do make me nauseated, which seems like insult to injury to me. I don't take them any more. Yes, I should go back and talk to him about alternatives. If I had a lot of migraines I probably would. But I will go back and see when my last migraine was. I just want to make sure they're not increasing in frequency.
Yesterday I took a hydrocodone that I had left over from a mouth surgery 4 years ago. I remember starting to get the headache, and then waking up on the couch about 5 hours later. :) Good drugs. Well, good for the pain, but obviously I won't be able to take them if I have to drive to get home, or would like to keep functioning. Still, I'm very grateful to have been spared most of the migraine effects.
My most memorable migraines include .... the first one. It was mostly memorable because I didn't understand and was scared. Once I had a migraine just as I hit the top of a hiking trail in Utah. So I still had to hike back down. Along with happening on the first day of vacation, that one was memorable because of that brain-short-circuit thing. About halfway down I tried to catch a thought that kept escaping me. I really felt like I needed to figure it out, that it was important for me to understand. The next thing I knew I found myself crouched down in a little patch of shade beside the trail, trying to remember and understand. I don't know how long I was there, but decided to continue hiking back to camp. Another memorable one was in the middle of teaching a lab on electrophoresis. Another time that I couldn't just drop what I was doing and run home. To this day I don't clearly remember the end of the lab and the drive home.
My migraines freak my friends out more than they do me. Probably because they're not used to seeing me confused and struggling to understand what's going on. I suppose it would be a little freaky. From my perspective, the emotions I run through are: massive dismay (oh, shit, don't tell me...), massive irritation (not today, damn it ....), mild panic (have I got drugs, can I get home), determination (okay I've got to keep it together until .... x), confusion (what was I doing, what should I do, what was I thinking ....), and finally pain (I should have taken something sooner ... just endure) or lack of consciousness.
I don't know what causes my migraines. It doesn't seem to be related to what I eat, where I am, what I'm doing. Yesterday I was in the middle of typing an email to a friend. Probably they're related to stress, although early in a vacation is not an uncommon time for me to have one. I am under a fair aount of stress at work right now, but no more or less than I will be for the next several months. So what triggered it yesterday? Believe me, if I could figure out my specific trigger, I'd never have another migraine.
Over the years I've heard a lot of ways to treat migraines, including some pretty far-fetched ones. In this day and age of the internet, there are more than 600,000 people or groups who will be glad to tell you how to treat them. I've even been told that taping a cold banana peel to my forehead would do the trick. Which makes me laugh, but then, as much as I believe in modern science and medicine, I really know better than to laugh at what may work for someone. I'm pretty sure I won't be taping cold banana peels to my forehead though. And not just because I don't keep bananas in the house.
Had enough? I guess I can quit now.