Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cleaning II

Here we go again. Another day of cleaning. I made good progress yesterday, but as expected, I slacked off later in the day and couldn't maintain the "everything gets cleaned" mode. I'm ready to go again this morning, so hopefully I can get all the rest done today. Of course, today being Sunday I also have my normal Sunday chores, like laundry, cat boxes, etc. Basic stuff I do ever Sunday. I always do cat boxes first, to get them done and out of the way.

Cats are the perfect pet for me. My cats and I always seem to be on the same wave-length as far as giving and receiving attention. Not too needy, but needy enough. Plus, they're self-sufficient enough that they can fend for themsleves during my 3- and 4-day trips. If I'm gone longer than that I can have someone come over and just make sure they have food down. They don't have to go outside a couple times a day. Of course, the trade-off is cat boxes. Not my favorite thing, but worth having the kids around definitely.

Time to get started.


Wow! This day has gotten away from me way too fast. It's lunch time! Which will have to wait a few minutes until the kitchen floor dries. Yes, I got the tile floors mopped and more dusting done. Damn. I need to quit collecting stuff. It makes dusting a massive chore. *laughing* And I've been talking about getting a bigger house to contain all my stuff. Maa. If I get a bigger house, I'm hiring someone to clean it! Period! I'm going to check the floor and see what I can find for lunch.


Okay, that's as good as it gets. I'm tired of cleaning. You know, us old folks aren't as spry as we used to be. My knees ache from all the bending and kneeling. I'm definitely not up to anything that vaguely resembles physical labor. And I need to take this as a warning to get back on my Nordic Trak. If I go hiking in UT or CO this summer, it's not going to be pretty unless I start working out now .... or better yet a month ago, but that's not going to happen. I still haven't quite gotten the hang of going back in time.

I'm working on the whole time/space warp thing. I need to not only be able to be in two places at once, I need to be able to get to distant places quickly. So I need the time/space warp thing. Actually, more than being in two places at one time, I just need to be able to manipulate time. Make it run more slowly when I need more of it, and run more quickly when I want it to go by faster. Maybe a time/space bubble that I can remove from the flow of time whenever and wherever I want to. *nods* A personal time/space bubble would be best. I don't think I could be trusted with the ability to control overall time. At least if I were just manipulating my own personal time, maybe it wouldn't effect too much of the rest of the universe. Huh! 'manipulating my own personal time' ka? In many ways I do that anyway, but I'd just like to have a little more control over it.

The sun came out. If the ground wasn't so soggy I'd mow my lawn. Right now when you step into the lawn, you sink in. The ground is really saturated. So I won't do it today. I'll do it one evening this week. I'm not going to wait too long though. That rain really started it sprouting. In the Spring and early Summer when it's in major growth mode I often have to mow it more than once a week. And I usually have to mow it from March through November. Still, I'll live here away from the cold and snow and mow my lawn nine months out of the year. That to me is a totally fair trade-off.

Time to go play.


  1. Everything I own (besides what's behind glass) is covered in a thick layer of dust! It's like I haven't been around for months! :p

  2. Yup, it accumulates too fast. I really think it builds up faster in areas where there isn't a lot of activity to disturb it, or keep it from settling. So have you been dusting, like a good little housekeeper?
