As you can see there are still a LOT of peaches on my tree and they're growing well. The birds and insects and weather are starting to thin the baby peaches out a bit for me. I also have some squirrels around this year that haven't been here in past years. I imagine they'll make some inroads on the peaches also as the peaches get riper. Now it's mostly wind and insects. Whenever I mow the lawn I pick up probably ~30 little fallen
I read an entire book yesterday. I'm not sure what came over me. Since I'm reading 12 books at a time right now I don't usually read one all the way through, but I really liked this book. The story line, the characters, the tone and style, I liked it all so I just kept reading. The book is Clockwork Heart by Dru Pagliassotti. Nice story. And for once I had a day to myself to just chill. I just kept reading. Okay, so I might have to catch up on some things today that I should have done yesterday. It was worth it to read for that many hours straight and finish the story.
Also, instead of starting another book in place of the one I just finished, I'll start cutting back on the
I'm starting to get prepared for my trip to Innsbruck. I've basically finished preparing the talk I'm giving, except for a few details and polishing it. Now I'm starting to consider what stuff to take with me. Computer? check. Ipod? check. Camera? CHECK. Cell phone? check. Chargers and attachments for all of those? Oops, that's a no check. I need to find out what type of converter I need for my electronics. Hmmmmm. Better do that quick 'cause I'll have to find and buy one after I figure out what I need. That trip is approaching fast. Clothes? semi-check. I can go with what I have now, but probably will do some more shopping before I go. Luggage? check, but which pieces to take? This is going to be a testament to my packing skill. *laughing* And I'll probably be paying fees for over-weight luggage. I want one checked bag and one carry-on ... for a week's worth of clothes, including professional and cocktail clothes, and all my electronics. Do-able, but it will be interesting.
I hope I have a place to stay over there. The secretary of the Congress assures me that I have a room, but I haven't seen anything in writing. This is why I prefer to make my own arrangements ... because then I know they're made. In this case I'm going with a leap of faith and trusting the secretary person. Unlike me, but that's how it is. I'll let you know whether the trust was misplaced on June 6th when I either do or don't have a place to sleep. I'm seriously looking forward to this trip, so I'm not too worried about the arrangements. I know a fair number of people who are attending the Congress, and can always camp out with someone if worse came to worst.
Suppose I'd better get to my Sunday chores.
grow little peaches, grow