Saturday, August 8, 2009


To say that I'm behind in my blogging would be an understatement of epic proportions. This summer has been even worse than I expected, as far as time to blog. It's a week into August already!

This picture is my sage out in front of my house. It's been blooming this week because of the soaking rain we got last weekend. It seems to bloom randomly, but usually after a dry spell followed by a good rain. It's gorgeous when it's covered with these purple blossoms, and the honeybees love it. It's usually covered with them as well.

I taught my last biochemistry lecture this last week, so next week is the final exam and then I'm done. I've already even figured out all the grades, minus the final. After this next week I'm on vacation for three weeks and I am soooooo ready. It's been a long and busy summer, and I'm more than ready for a break. I'm headed back to Utah and Colorado. I haven't even started thinking in terms of vacation yet .... what I need to take, what I need to buy, food supplies, camping supplies, etc, etc. I'm not planning on leaving town immediately though. I'll have a couple free days to get my act together. Usually I go to Utah first and then hit my sister's place in Colorado on the way back. This year I'll be going to Colorado first to pick her up. We'll head for Utah for some camping and hiking, then come back and visit my nephew, niece and great-niece in Denver. It should be amazing fun.

I've been searching for a pet sitter. My friends who usually keep an eye on the spoiled cat-kids are both going to be out of town the same time I am. The cat girls are too old and set in their ways and schitzy around strangers for me to board them for an extended time. I have a week left to find someone I'm comfortable with leaving my house and my cat-kids with. Wish me luck.

Anyway, not much of a blog but better than nothing. I'll be working on getting back to this more often.

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty!

    ...did I mention I have internet? ^__^
