That wasn't by choice though. I'm so old-fashioned that I've been doing them by hand and mailing my return in by snail mail every year since I started doing taxes. This year I got a little notice in the mail that the IRS was no longer sending out the paper books with everything you need to file your return, and to please get with the program and file electronically like most reasonable people. *laughing* Well, they didn't use those words, but that's essentially what they said. So I was dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century, and I used Turbotax and e-filed my tax return yesterday.
I hate to admit it, but it was actually easier than my old, hand-written method. Plus I got almost $1000 more on my refund than I would have gotten doing it the old way. Turbotax knows what to look for and leads you to it, does all the calculations, and makes sure you don't miss anything. Very nice. I suppose I'll be e-filing from now on because it seems like one of those things that once you start using, you can't live without it. Like microwaves or online banking.
Interestingly, as much as I like online banking, I probably wouldn't have missed paying that bill last month if I were still writing checks each month. The statements for all my bills would be there, I'd write checks and check them off, so I always knew what was still pending for the month. Now I don't keep track of that. I just pay my bills as I get emails that they're due. I'm still trying to figure out HOW I missed that one last month. When the bill comes due, it turns red in my online banking account and sends an email to my email address. Usually I don't delete that email until after I pay that particular bill. But even if I had deleted the email, the bill should have stayed red until I paid it. It was never red last month, even though obviously I didn't pay it. I really don't know how it happened, but I do know that I need to stop relying quite so heavily on the electronics to keep me up to date on things. It makes me wonder. Do I really need to check off each bill on a list as I pay it each month, so I know what's paid and what's not? Or am I getting even more anal-retentive and obsessive-compulsive than usual?
The temperature this morning when I went out to get the paper was 34! And the little birdbath was frozen! I hope my aloe vera didn't take too much more damage. I didn't see anything in the news about freezing temperatures last night although it was damn cold yesterday. Mid-40s with a strong north wind. I took my car and had the oil and filter changed and some minor maintenance done and it was COLD outside. Things are starting to bloom around here
though because it's starting to be warmer in general. Bradford pears are all in bloom and redbuds are starting to bloom as well. My peach, if it lives, won't bloom this year. I think I had it cut too far back to survive. It's hard to believe that last year is was so overgrown that my cat hid it it. This year it's a "Y" shaped stump. Here's a picture of what's left of it, with my neighbor's bradford blooming in the background.
The trees aren't really starting to leaf out much but if we'd get some rain and just a little more warmth they'll all leaf out with a vengeance. I really like the times of year when things are green better than the winter. Although it is nice to have a few months of not mowing the lawn.
Addy went out today and rolled in the dirt over by the peach tree. I think sometimes her skin is itchy and maybe that helps. Addy has really thick fur and often has dandruf. She likes rolling in the dirt when she can get out there, and lately they're both getting a little braver about being out there. Plus of course it's been a little warmer. I'm ready to have leaves on the trees and grass in my yard. Zoe's been sitting out there watching, waiting for the first grasshopper to come by probably. She's in stalking mode right now so I guess she thinks she saw something move. Anway, guess that's it for today. Later.
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