Sunday, February 26, 2012

More forgetful than usual?

It's another gorgeous Sunday morning, so I decided to blog again although I really don't have anything to say.  Well one thing I have to say is that last Sunday when I was blogging I should have looked at the date and realized it was my Mom's Birthday.  Yup, I forgot my Mother's Birthday.   Geez, Louise!   Where does the time go?  That was a rhetorical question, but if you have an answer, please let me know.  I'd like to hope that I'm not really becoming more forgetful than usual, but I usually try to at least remember Mom and Dad's birthdays, no matter how bad I am with remembering dates in general.

I'll send her belated wishes this week.

I sent my passport renewal application in yesterday.  It expires in September so I figured I'd renew it before it expired.  I really hate putting my passport into the mail, though.  It just feels so chancy to mail it to the passport office.   Or maybe I just hate being without it.  My only travel plans for the next little while are domestic, so I should be fine, but still.  

I'm going to Palm Springs next week for a Board of Directors meeting.   That should be interesting since it will be our first time meeting with our new CEO.  Our CEO of 23 years retired at the end of 2011, so it will indeed be interesting to see how the new CEO and the Board interact.    Palm Springs should be nice too.  I've never been there, so I'll take pictures and post them if any of them turn out okay.  Last year at this time I was posting pictures of my very first BOD meeting from Tucson.  I was elected to the Board for a three year term, so I'm still on it for two more years.  I enjoy spending time with the other Directors as well as the work of the Board.  Some of them are colleagues I've known for years, and some are colleagues I've only just met through the Board.  I've worked previously on other things with both of the two new incoming members this year.

I need to mow my weeds.  I'm vacillating back and forth on whether to do that today or not.  It's somewhat cool out, but the weeds are taking over, even though the grass hasn't yet decided that it's really Spring.  I should probably mow and whack the weeds down.  Neither the dogwood nor the holly I tried to grow last year survived last summer, but the two peach tree seedlings are both beginning to put out tiny green tips of leaves.  They currently look like stick in pots, but the green tips are showing.  I put the obligatory cat-kid picture that I took this morning into this post.  The cats aren't much into cold or wet weather, but since it's sunny today they did go check things out this morning even though it was chilly.   You can see the peach twigs in their pots, as well as the weeds that are coming up by the patio.  The Bradford Pear trees in my neighbor's yards are beginning to blossom, and the crane flies are out in force.  It looks like most plants are deciding that Spring has come.  Even though we all have stories of freezing weather in March and even into April, I think I agree with most plants this year that Spring has come, especially given how mild a winter it's  been overall.  Yesterday morning the temperature gauge at the side of my house read 31 when I got up though  and I thought, damn, I froze the aloe vera again.  But the temperature gauge on my back patio read 36, although there was a thin skim of ice on the birdbath.  So the temperature was probably right at freezing just before sunup.  Poor aloe vera.  They look pretty bad, probably because it's been a mild winter.  I haven't been religious about putting them into the garage, so they've taken a couple of hits when the temperature dropped just below freezing.  I've mostly left them out though to take advantage of the rain we've been getting.

Anyway, that's about it for today.

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