Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mighty Huntress

I just had to share this.  I've been outside this afternoon, mowing the lawn and watering stuff and trimming a few things.  And of course, when I'm outside the cat-kids are outside.  That black tom cat has been back around so they don't stay out there much when I'm not outside, but they've been out this afternoon.

Anyway, I came inside to clean up and glanced outside and started laughing at what I saw.  A couple of years ago when my peach tree was full and overgrown, Zoe used to LOVE to lay out under the dragging branches and pretend to stalk birds.  She was actually pretty visible, being mostly white, even when "hidden" in the thick branches, but she so thought she was a mighty huntress.  One of the regrets I had about that tree dying was she really had no place to hide and play outside any more.  Today when I looked out I saw this scene and had to take a picture of it.

Yes, Zoe was "hiding" among the mini-peach trees in the growing mini-peach orchard!   There were three doves in the yard under the bird feeder (picture down below), and she was absolutely fixated on them, while "hiding" among the peach trees.  I just had to laugh.

Those doves absolutely dis poor Zoe.  She's so fat and slow, she can be laying on the edge of the porch, three feet from them, and they'll be foraging seeds there on the ground, completely unconcerned about her presence.  They don't even leave if she gets up and starts stalking them.  If she gets much inside the three foot range they'll fly away, but they certainly don't care if she's out laying on the patio.  Still, she keeps trying to stalk them.   And now apparently she has a new hiding place to stalk them from.

I really like my lawn when it's newly mowed.  I wish the front yard was as thick and healthy as the back.  My poor front yard is mostly weeds.  Really the yard doesn't stand a chance despite TruGreen's best efforts.  The neighbors on both sides make no attempt to grow grass, just let the weeds grow as they will, so everything blows into my yard.  The back yard is behind a privacy fence, so it's a little easier to control.

Anyway, that's all today.  Just had to share the pics of Zoe hunting.

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