This lovely fellow flitted around my Indian Hawthorne in my back yard and was cooperative enough to let me take several shots with my new camera before he flew away. Isn't he gorgeous?
I just got back this morning from another trip, this one to Washington DC. It was a nice, uneventful trip, and since I'm back to full health, it wasn't a bad trip. I got to see the cherry blossoms along the Potomac, although not close up. They're in full bloom right now, but due to the meetings, I only got to see them from something of a distance on the cab ride in. Still, I did get a feel for how beautiful they are, and how many there are! Amazing!
I laid down in the recliner about 12:30 this afternoon and woke up at 3:30 with both cats napping on me. I guess I was tired from the trip.
My bird feeder continues to be a big hit with the birds in the area. Here's my red-wing blackbird friend. I've seen the female too but haven't gotten a good shot of her yet. When I got home this morning the feeder was completely empty, which is amazing considering I filled it Wednesday. I have a small flock of sparrows and a small flock of cowbirds, besides the other random species, so it's being decimated pretty quickly.
I'm really happy to have a lawn growing again and things blooming, but once again I have blooming things that I'm trying to figure out what they are. I have the Indian Hawthorne of course, mostly pink ones, but I have at least one small white one. I also have a tall plant of Queen Anne's Lace growing out there and beginning to bloom and a pot of what I think are pink azaleas. That's this lower picture. I'm really glad to have the new camera too, so I can take pictures of all these plants and birds and butterflies. And of course pictures of the cat-kids, but I'm giving you a break today from cat-kid pictures.
So that's about all that's going on. I'm in a great mood because it's warm, pretty and gorgeous outside ad I can have the house opened up while I do chores. It's supposed to be in the 80s the next several days so again I'll be switching between heat and AC. What can you do? I try not to use AC, but I hate being hot. Maybe the ceiling fans will be enough.
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