Sunday, September 29, 2013

Isn't September done yet!?

*sigh*  The rest of September has continued to be as bad luck for me as the first part was, so I'm happy to note there's only two days left in this month, counting today.  For this post I threw in more pictures of my continued close encounter with the sorghum.  I wonder when in this progression sorghum is usually harvested?  Anyway, where to start with the bad luck stories . . . 

Maybe with some good news.  My foundation has been repaired.  It took them 3 and half days to dig 23 holes, place 23 piers and lift the house.  Considering the amount of work it took, I'm pleased to report that you almost can't tell I had it done.  The guys were great, replacing the shrubbery and even filling in the hole in the patio (replacing the patio concrete) that they jack-hammered through in one place.  I left to attend a meeting when the place looked like a war zone, so I was very pleased when I got back.  I'm still gonna lose about 5 holly shrubs I think that aren't recovering from being uprooted for 3.5 days, but overall it looks good.  In the first post picture you can see the three holly's in the front of the house that probably won't survive, the ones with the brownish look.  The internal cracks in the house are another story.  Two of them closed up, but my master bathroom had large cracks come up across the whole ceiling when they lifted the house.  I'll have to get all that repaired, but they told me to wait a couple months before repairing any cracks.

That's the good news.  The continuing bad luck is that the post-foundation-work plumbing checks sucked, big time.  I have leaks in my sewer lines and water lines and probably in my sprinkler system.  Yup.  I figure it's a combination of foundation work and existing problems because I've always thought the water bills were too high in this house.  I just had nothing to compare them to.  Can you say "really sucky inspection" when I bought this place?   Anyway, I have plumbers coming out in another week and a half to locate all the leaks and then tell me what it's going to cost me to have them all repaired.  If I'm living right, they'll be able to do the repairs from the outside.  If my September luck spills over into October, they'll have to go through the foundation in the house to repair them.  Either way, it'll cost me roughly $600 just for them to find the leaks,so I'm not even going to guess what the repair cost will be.

On the medical front my bad luck is somewhat continuing too.  I had to get a measles-mumps-rubella shot because my blood work came up that I wasn't immune to one of them (can't remember which).  This last week I had a reaction to the shot.  I had a full body measles-like rash and joints so stiff and painful that I had trouble getting up and down.  Luckily it only lasted two days and then went away.  But early this month I began having excruciating pain in my right knee, but only at night.  It was waking me up every night, but during the day it didn't bother me.  It seemed to be starting to go away, but after the shot-reaction, the right knee pain is back in full force.  And it's bad enough at night that the knee is sore all day now, with some minor swelling. I suppose I'm going to have to find a new primary care physician and make an appointment.  I was hoping it would clear up on it's own.

Good news on the medical front, the new dentist is great.  I had an appointment with the guy recommended by my old dentist, and I like him and the hygienist who worked on me.  Other good news medically, I'm not having any side-effects at all from the TB drug *knocks on wood*. 

So that's been my September.  See why I'm ready for it to be over.  I'm hoping for better luck next month.  This last picture is Zoe.  She likes to sleep between the two quilts on my bed, so this cat-sized lump is her.  It's kind of a metaphor for what I wish I could have done this last month - hide from everything.   If I'm searching for a silver lining though, at least when all this is done I shouldn't have to worry about any more major house issues.  *knocks on wood again*  


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