Saturday, January 25, 2014


It's a nice relaxing weekend this weekend, mostly because I cleaned like a fiend last weekend. This weekend, I'm doing not much, which is my favorite type of weekend.

Why do I have a picture of a reptiles on this post?  I'm kind of half seriously considering getting a bearded dragon for a pet.  The last two times I've been in the pet store getting cat stuff, I've been kind of captivated by the small, juvenile bearded dragons.  They look somewhat like the horny toads we used to play with when I was a kid, so some of the attraction is nostalgia.  I've always liked horny toads, as you can probably tell from the picture of the baby I came across that stays on this blog.  

The deal is, it's a pretty serious commitment to take one on, especially a baby like this.  As you can tell from the picture farther down in the post, they can get quite large if they live long enough.  At any age they require good care, but when they're little and growing fast . . . well let's just say I'm not going to do it unless I'm prepared to give it the care it needs.  Still . . . the one little guy in that pet store cage was hard to resist.  So I'm considering it.  I'll let you know if I succumb to temptation.

Right now it's too damn cold.  Since I'll have to buy the whole set-up (terrarium, heat lamps, etc, etc) the poor little thing would be frozen before I got it home and set up.  I'm seriously over the really cold temps, and yet it's still only January.  Spoiled much?  But it's high 70s one day and then mid-30s the next day, with night temperatures dipping into the low 20s.  I don't like 20s.  And I definitely don't like teens.  I suppose I should be grateful I live in a part of the country that gets days in the 70s during the winter instead of complaining about the days of low temperatures.  But we've had a lot of really low temps this year.  I covered the remains of the 2 outside aloe vera again the last three nights, but I'm not holding out much hope for them.  And even though it's supposed to be nice today and tomorrow, it's supposed drop below freezing again Monday and through next week.  

As soon as we get a decent temp day on the weekend, I'm going to go out a whack my roses back to nubs.  I'm tired of the long stringy look.  And they say February 14th is the date to try to prune your roses, so it's about time.   Valentine's Day makes it easy to remember to cut back the roses then.   I should do some more outside work, like replace all the foundation-killed shrubbery, but that will have to wait until it's much more Spring-like outside.  Which makes me think - I need to grow another batch of grass for the cat-kids.

Most of the sparrows have disappeared, so the bird-feeders are not needing to be filled anywhere near as often.  Now days I see the ubiquitous morning doves, a few dark-eyed juncos and four or five house finches.  The male house finches are pretty and red right now.  I put out another feeder that holds sunflower seeds rather than the mixed seed.  The finches like both ad frequent both feeders.  The sparrows pretty much stuck with the mixed seed.       

My garage door opener broke again.  It's functioning is definitely related to the outside temperature.  When the temps are around or below freezing, it doesn't work.  I've fixed it twice now and the house repair guys fixed it once, and each time the next time it was freezing outside, the opener broke again.  I suppose I'll have to resort to calling a professional to fix it.  That or get up on a ladder and see if I can tell what the problem is.  Or both.

Anyway, I guess that's about all for today.

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