Sunday, June 8, 2014

Bird Lady

A friend of mine called me a bird lady the other day - because I fill the feeders essentially every day and support a horde of small sparrows and finches.  I suppose I should be glad she didn't call me a crazy bird lady. 

Although I generally do see mostly sparrows, finches and doves, I do  sometimes get some of the slightly larger birds.  This redwing blackbird in the first picture comes by randomly, and I managed to get a couple shots of him.  I also have a couple of bluejays that hang around and are really vocal about it when I'm out there.  Jays of course, so that's to be expected.  The jay in the picture in this blog has a behavior that seems to be specific to him.  He flies to the feeder, takes a single sunflower seed, flies to the metal shelf I have out there, holds the seed in his claw and cracks it with his beak and eats it.  I've watched him repeat this over and over and over, but haven't seen any of the other jays doing it.  I also have a few brown-headed cowbirds that come by randomly. 

The sun is peaking out intermittently today.  There was only about a 20% chance of rain today according to the forecast, so imagine my surprise to find it actually raining this morning.  It only rained about 20 minutes and I don't know that we even got a measurable amount of rain, but the lawn liked it.  I'll take anything I can get, considering how dry it's been here.  I'm hoping we get more tomorrow, when I think they're actually forecasting 50% chance. If you look closely at the second picture of the redwing, you can sort of see that he's wet from the rain this morning, since it was raining when I took that picture.    

I refilled the hummingbird feeder this morning too.  It wasn't empty.  It's a big feeder and with only two little hummingbirds, it doesn't deplete very fast, but I refill it whenever I notice gunk growing in it.  So they should be happy humming campers.

*laughing*  Okay, maybe I am a bird lady.  Going through two bird feeders full of seed every day though . . . the little guys are going to be hungry the 9 days I'm gone this month.   I'm not going to ask my pet sitter to fill them.  I'd prefer she stay focused on the cat-kids.

There are only two things that I haven't done now to get ready for my trip to Istanbul.  One is call my credit card companies and let them know not to block my charges over there.  Or to try to convince them not to block charges anyway.  I did this when I went to Austria, and one of the credit card companies still blocked my charges.  Frustrating. 

The other thing is to plan my wardrobe, so I can begin planning my packing - what suitcases to take, how much room I'll need, etc.  Everything else is done.  Tickets, passport & visa, hotel confirmation, some money exchanged, international service on my phone, meeting registration confirmation.   I'll probably find something else I need to do, but it's coming together nicely.

Anyway, I guess that's about all today.  There's a little bird out there with a dark smudge on his breast.  I wonder what he is . . .  

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