Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Carpet!

It's finally started, the thing I said I was going to have done immediately when I moved in ... 8 1/2 years ago. My new carpet is being installed! Very cool.

I managed to get everything moved off the carpeted areas of my house except my sofa/sleeper, my TV and my bed. Literally the contents of my whole house are in my garage and kitchen. If you compare this pic with the one in the last post, you can see I've added a bunch more to stuff to the garage. A lot of that stuff I wasn't sure I could move until I tried. It certainly would have been easier with help, but I'm really bad about admitting I can't do something myself.

The two installers had those last three items moved about 5 minutes after they arrived, removed the old carpet and pad and swept the slab in about 20 - 30 minutes, and are now laying down the new pad. They also had me come out and verify that they had they right carpet with them before they started anything this morning. I'd be willing to bet they've run into that problem before where they don't have the right carpet, or people say it's not what they ordered once they start installing. They have my carpet though so all's proceeding.

It's interesting because when I first looked at the carpet I thought that the color was too light. I'm so used to thinking that this new carpet is darker than the old, that I was sort of expecting a dark carpet. It's not dark. It's a nice light tan. It's just darker than my old carpet.

We had a little trauma this morning when the installers got here because the cats had no where in the house to hide. I had hoped they'd run for the garage or under their favorite chair which is in the kitchen, but Zoe freaked out BIG time and just kept scurrying back and forth looking for somewhere to go. Poor baby. I tried to get her to the garage, but she wasn't exactly behaving rationally. Trying to lift and carry 22 pounds of fighting, razor-clawed, freaked out cat is not something I'd recommend. I think I pulled all the muscles in my back and neck. She got away from me and I believe she's somewhere hidden amongst my household items in the garage. I didn't see where she went since I was trying to pick myself up, but she's not in the house, so the garage is probably a safe assumption. I'll look for her once we've both had time to recover our equilibriums. Damn, she's fast for a big cat. Hopefully she'll forget and forgive me for traumatizing her. I'm very glad that it's cool enough that I'm wearing jeans and a long-sleeved shirt though. No lacerations.

My floor is currently blue. The new carpet pad I'm having installed has a 'moisture-proof' side, so it's a nice bright blue. It doesn't quite match my red walls, as you can see from this pic, but it's a lot cleaner than my old carpet was. I have to say that this whole process of new tile and new carpet is interesting. I had no idea how they go about doing this stuff, so it's been interesting to watch it happen. They're currently pasting down the seams in the pad, or anyway that's what it looks like they're doing.

I looked for the cats but they're hiding, and given the vast number of hiding places there are in all my stuff in the garage, they won't be found until either they're ready to come out or I empty all the stuff out of the garage. Hopefully they'll be ready to come out long before I get around to moving all that stuff back into the house.

The carpet's going in now. These two guys are hard workers. They're just moving right along.

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