Sunday, December 13, 2009


Which translates as: I'm TIRED! I've spent almost the whole weekend moving my house into my garage.

To back up a bit: They finished my tile, and it did take them three days. Partly because of all of the mess-ups the first day and partly because they were not very consistent in who was working. The first day there were three of them. The second day there was only one guy for the first 3-ish hours and then two others came and worked on it. And partly the delay was my fault as I had to give that lecture on Wednesday morning. They didn't start working until about noon on Wednesday. I shouldn't complain though. The good news is that I have new tile and I'm happy with it.

The other good news is that my carpet has arrived at the flooring place (so in this case I can safely assume they'll bring it with them). They called me on the last day the tilers were here to tell me the carpet is in, and we scheduled the install for this coming Wednesday. Which means I've had this weekend to get all my stuff into my garage or my kitchen. Which is why I'm seriously tired right now. But everything's in the garage except things I can't move myself (couch, beds, TV) and my electronics which I'll disassemble and move on Tuesday evening. This pic is some of my stuff in my garage. I have FIVE of those 6' tall bookshelves, thank you. I'm betting I'll be finding some new bruises after this weekend, but I haven't broken anything yet (myself OR my stuff), and only have one fairly decent ding in a wall from a curio cabinet that tried to get away from me.

In the process of all this packing and moving I discovered that 'dust bunny' doesn't come close to describing the monster creatures living under some of my furniture after 8+ years. Yeow! Nasty! I've probably spent as much time cleaning as moving, especially since I'm still de-dusting everything from the tile install. This picture is my kitchen area with curio cabinets and other stuff finding a temporary home there (Yes, that is new tile on the floor). The cabinet on the right is the one that tried to escape me.
I'm sort of considering just leaving everything in the kitchen and garage after the carpet goes in. It's too much trouble to move it all back. At least I won't have any time constraints about getting things back where they belong. I don't need for the house to be in order for Christmas guests since I'm heading to my parents for Christmas. I can take my time and unpack slowly and finish cleaning as I go. Sounds perfect. Actually, anything that doesn't involve me getting up for awhile sound perfect right now.

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